Saturday, March 10, 2012

Kony 2012... But Africa will still wait until....

Forced child slavery & abduction, murder, the recruiting of child soldiers & the rape of young girls has been endemic in unstable parts of Africa for many years. Having worked there, I know that Kony 2012 is but ONE example of how local warlords behave. Minerals, specifically the alloys used in mobile phones,and the diamonds that are shown off in engagement rings, make terrorising local populations a profitable business and make children a cheap labour/soldiering force. How else do you think weapons are paid for? Ask more questions, research your purchases - are they 'clean', manufacturers & jewellers have certificates of origin. Look more broadly at aid projects and how, why and what an organisation does to help the local populace. Knowledge is power. View this film for background, but continue to make enquiries of you own. J


  1. This is really a great effort..keep it up dear.

  2. Parabéns pela história de superação.
    Te conheci pelos teus livros biográficos: Era uma vez uma princesa e Depois de ser princesa, emprestado por uma amiga. Te pesquisei na internet e encontrei teu blog, vi entrevistas tuas no youtube.
    Não falo inglês.
    Sou profª, pedagoga, especialista em Avaliação da Aprendizagem e Educacional.
    Luta pela Edu.Inclusiva dos alunos com N.E.E-Necessidades Educacionais Especiais e outras causas inclusivas-sociais-humanitárias.
    Te acessei no twitter, fiz uma divulgação da ONG OPERATION ANGEL lá, no Linkedin, no Google +.
    Grata por me acessa no twitter também.
    Abraços fraternos.
    Paz e bem.
